Our Mission

OUR MISSION,  as a church, is to be God’s people following Jesus.

We do this by:


Loving God and Jesus Christ, and showing our love in praise, thankfulness and celebration

Loving those close to us and our neighbours near and far, and showing our love by our support, actions and prayers

Loving all as Jesus loves us, and showing our love by our compassion, actions and prayers


Caring for God’s people and supporting those who work for justice, peace, reconciliation and the relief of poverty

Caring for God’s world and seeking to do what we can to protect and restore his creation

Caring for our local community, being a part of its life and a witness to God’s presence where we live and work


Sharing the good news of Jesus’ life on earth and his death on the cross for us

Sharing God’s love by opening our church doors and our hearts to all who seek to know Jesus

Sharing with other churches in our common purpose to spread the gospel and to build and grow Christian communities

Who we are – and more ….

Next to the ‘Lighthouse’ and opposite the ‘Farmers’  –  that’s the way we describe our situation, ‘at the very heart of the village’. And our doors are open to the local community because we encourage use of the building by groups, organisations and individuals, children or adults, whoever it is who needs a place to hold a one off event or regular meetings.

We are a relatively small fellowship, but active and moving forward in faith. We hold regular Sunday services, and anyone who wants to come and see what it’s like and have a cup of coffee afterwards will be very welcome.   Children are always welcome – we have several all age services, and  toys, games and activities are always available for young children to keep them happy either in church, or in the front room next to the worship area where parents can take their children and still hear what is going on in the service.

Throughout the year, groups meet to discuss, study and learn more about the Christian faith. You will find that on these occasions we are also led into talking about issues which affect us and our community – both local and worldwide – and we share our thoughts, our concerns and our hopes, our laughter, and sometimes our meals.

If you live in the village you may have spoken to us on your doorstep or requested a prayer for some situation that bothers you. One in five households have. We pray regularly for those who are ill or in trouble. You can make a request by putting a note in our letterbox (at the side of the church), or telephone 0151 201 1883 to put your request on our prayer chain. Maybe call into our regular Saturday coffee morning 10am – noon.

We know that following Jesus Christ has made a difference to our lives and we’d like to share it with you. Why not drop in sometime? You’ll be most welcome.

How and when …

Sunday worship

We enjoy worshipping at Wallasey Village Church.

We love to praise God in the singing of  hymns and songs, old and new, and we are blessed in the hearing of God’s word spoken to us by our own minister and by visiting preachers who have become good friends to us over the years;  we are thankful for the opportunity to join with others in prayers of thanksgiving, praise and concern to the God we love.  In recent years, technology has added to the experience of worship by the projection of hymn and song words, powerpoint presentations, CDs,videos and DVDs.

Participation by members of the fellowship is encouraged (but not obligatory!)– whether in bible reading, offering prayer or in general involvement.  Occasional services are led entirely by members of the fellowship.

We currently observe communion by the sharing of bread and wine in alternate months.

You will find that there’s plenty of laughter and lots of love – and a great time of friendship shared over a cup of tea or coffee (Fair Trade) after the morning service.

We take our worship out of the church at different times – for example, we will go to a local care home, Granville Court, to observe Remembrance Day.  And we can take communion to folk at home, who are unable to get out to church.

There is usually at least one bible study or other group meeting happening either at church, at the Manse or at someone’s home during the week.  Over the past few years, courses have included Christianity Explored, Discipleship Explored, Essential 100, Essential Jesus, the Essential Question, Believe and Way of the Spirit. Membership courses are held as needed for those thinking about confirming their commitment to following Jesus.  Sometimes courses are preceded by a meal which we enjoy together.


new visitorThank you for visiting our website and showing interest in this page.

If you are a present or past worshipper, you will probably know what you are looking for in a church.  So why not come and see if we can provide it at Wallasey Village!  At the very least we hope you will find that you feel welcomed, at home, and in God’s presence.

If you are new to faith, or wondering about it, you are likely to have more questions than we can answer here – so why not pick up the phone and speak to Jeff on 0151 201 1883, or email him direct at [email protected] if you prefer.  He’d love to hear from you – but watch out, he’s an Everton supporter!

Everyone has questions before they try something new. We’ve tried to answer some of the common things that people want to know, but if we’ve missed anything, just get in touch and we’ll do our best to answer.

What is a service like?

How long are services?

What is the music like?

Will I know what to do?

What about communion?

What should I wear?

Where do my children go during the service?

Do I have to give money to the collection?

What about prayer

What next?

What is a service like?

In our Sunday morning service you will find something for everyone, both new visitors and regular members.

Our Minister, Jeff, leads worship every other week and in between, we have a variety of leaders including a worship group who regularly lead worship. We have a healing service quarterly.

We use a modern projector and screen for all the words and songs, so it’s easy to follow along. This screen is also often used to show powerpoints and videos as part of our worship. If you’re new to church, there’s no pressure to take part. We’re very happy for you to come along and see what worshipping in Wallasey Village URC is like. If anything seems unfamiliar, feel free to ask one our welcome team, or someone sitting nearby.

How long are your services?

Our Sunday services usually last around an hour and you are invited to stay for coffee and a chat afterwards.

What is the music like?

We have a fine church organ which we use for part of most services but we also use a piano and digital music. We also have a music  group which is a work in progress at the moment but we hope for great things!  We use a selection of modern and traditional songs. Words are projected onto a screen at the front of church so they are easily seen.

Will I know what to do?

Most people find their first visit to church more informal than they expected. We’re a friendly group of people, and our services are set up so you can relax and get to know us as a church. All the words you’ll need are projected on a screen, and we’re quite happy for you not to join in if you don’t feel it’s appropriate.

What about communion?

Sharing bread and wine is an important part of our church community. It reminds us what Jesus did for us.  We currently have communion every other month. The bread and wine are served to you in your seat.

We invite and welcome all who love the Lord to join with us for communion, but anyone can ask for a prayer or blessing instead – just ask when you arrive in the church.

What should I wear?

Please dress as you feel comfortable. Our congregation attends dressed in anything from casual to dressed-up. Take your pick!

Where do my children go during the service?

Children are welcomed at services, and there are toys and activities available for their use during the service, either in church or in the front room which is next to the worship area.  This is where parents can retreat with their children see and hear what is happening  in the service through speakers and a large window!

All our leaders have  CRB checks. We have a full child protection policy in place, and review this regularly.

Do I have to give money to the collection?

Absolutely not. As a visitor, please feel free to just pass the basket on.

Many church members and regular attenders support the work of the church through cash donations, standing orders, or using envelopes that allow us to receive gift aid on your donation.

What about prayer?

Prayer is at the heart of our church life,  and we believe that it can really make a difference in people’s lives. It’s one of the ways we can discover that God loves and cares about everyone and is with us always.

In addition to prayer during worship (spoken or silent) –

We are available after worship for anyone who asks for prayer
We have  a board in the porch for prayer requests
We have a  prayer chain for sharing prayer needs
We go out into the community to ask people if they would like us to pray for them. (We know that this is appreciated through the number of requests we receive).
We have occasional healing services

What next?

Even if it’s your first visit to church, we hope you have a great experience, and that you’ll encounter the God who is so important to all of us. We believe He offers a promise and a hope to everyone, and our aim is to make it as easy as possible for others to discover this for the first time. Sunday services are a great place to do this, but if you want to go further, just have a chat with one of the service leaders or elders.

We have some great opportunities. There is a range of social activities, coffee mornings, and one of our bible study groups  could be a great next step. If you’re thinking about making Wallasey Village Church your usual church, then you might like to try one of Jeff’s courses to introduce you to the range of things we’re up to at Wallasey Village . You could also think about joining a home group.

And remember, if you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch with us, or just ask someone when you arrive. There’s always a welcome team on the door if you’re not sure who to ask.

Do come and visit. We’ll be pleased to welcome you.