Useful details:

Church: Wallasey Village Church
Address: Wallasey Village
  CH45 3LP
 Email:  [email protected]
 Minister:  Revd Jeff Hughes
 Email:  [email protected]
 Phone:  0151 201 1883
 Secretary:  Joyce Humphreys
 Email:  [email protected]
 Phone:  0151 513 3678
Bookings Jean Copple
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0151 342 7247


If you want to contact us in connection with a baptisP1050740m or blessing, or a wedding or funeral, please get in touch directly with Jeff, our minister  –  see more here


praying handsIf your message is about prayer for yourself, or for others, then please go here to contact us.

To contact us generally

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Thanks. Your message will be passed on to the relevant person in our church organisation.