New parenting course – click for info …
Parenting Course
Being a parent is one of life’s greatest joys, but it is also one of its biggest challenges. There’s hardly a mum or dad on the face of the earth who, at times, is not overawed by the task of parenting. That’s why, at Wallasey Village Church we’re going to run Parentalk – The Primary Years.
Parentalk is a DVD based course which and gives parents time to talk about the day-to-day challenges they face, as well as sharing the things that are going well. Over six (approximately 2 hour) sessions, Parentalk looks at valuable principles that can be applied on a day-to-day basis with their children. It is ideal for people who have not taken part in any kind of parenting course before as well as for those who have
The topics include areas such as:
- It’s not just me
- Love them and let them know
- It’s good to talk
- Boundaries and battles
- Parenting with elastic
- Creating a sense of belonging
It includes real-life family interviews, presenter discussions, street vox pops, story animations, and Parentalk family dramas and is suitable for parents from all different backgrounds and family structures.
Parentalk will be starting on Thursday 25th April and will run from 12 noon ‘til 2.00pm with a light lunch and crèche provided.
There will be limited places available so booking is essential so if you know of anyone you think might benefit then let them know of this opportunity.
If you would like further information about attending , volunteering with the crèche, hospitality or the course then please speak to Jeff on 0151 201 1883 or at [email protected] or visit
April magazine
Special days …may the blessings of Easter remain with us as we go forward in faith….
Special days …
May the blessings of Easter remain with us as we go forward in faith